one of my favorite
words (and my middle name).
Growing up, I loved most the hymns that sung of the joy
brought to us at Christmas. “Joy to the
World,” the melody my aforementioned Advent tree played, was a favorite from
the very beginning, and I decorate the house with those words. “Now Sing We, Now Rejoice,” the amazing
German-Latin carol of the 1300s, manifests the gladness found through the
theology of the cross: the Glory of
Heaven lies in a manger, and comes to us because we cannot rise from the stable
to Him. Birgitte Katerine Boye’s famous
hymn calls us to “Rejoice, Rejoice This Happy Morn” for God’s salvation and
undeserved love.
Why all of the rejoicing?
Hearing of the Father’s great gift of His Son, we cannot withhold song
from rising to Him.
Whenever Scripture
tells us “Rejoice, for…” it’s bringing us another promise which must make a
faith-filled heart glad.
Through the
delightful imagery of his sweet hymn, “All My Heart Sings And Rejoices,” Paul
Gerhardt tells all why he is glad on Christmas, and incites others to do the
The full translation given here is
from the
Evangelical Lutheran Hymnary.
All my heart sings and rejoices
As I hear
Far and near
Sweetest angel voices.
“Christ is born!” their choirs and
Till the air
Now with joy is ringing.
This doesn’t appear to initiate a battle culminating in
Calvary, but according to the theology of the cross, it does. In order to deliver us, the eternal God took
on our very flesh at a point in time, and will forever possess this human
Forth today the Conqu’ror goeth,
Who the foe,
Sin and woe,
Death and hell, o’erthroweth.
God is Man, man to deliver;
His dear Son
Now is one
With our blood forever.
Paul Gerhardt, as the other great apostle of the same name,
loves drawing up rhetorical questions.
This digs deep into the stony soil of our false assumptions, upheaving
the needless doubt and worry paved there. “What then shall we say to these
things? If God is for
us, who can be against
us? He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him up for us all, how
shall He not with Him also freely give us all things?” (Romans 8:31-32).
Shall we still dread God’s
Who, to save,
Freely gave
His most cherished Treasure?
To redeem us, He hath given
His own Son
From the throne
Of His might in heaven.
Should He who Himself imparted
Aught withhold
From the fold,
Leave us broken-hearted?
Should the Son of God not love us,
Who, to cheer
Suff’rers here,
Left His throne above us?
He has not left us, and shows His love by His birth. What has He done that we should “thank and
praise, serve and obey Him”?
He becomes the Lamb that taketh
Sin away
And for aye
Full atonement maketh.
For our life His own He tenders,
And our race,
By His grace,
Meet for glory renders.
This promise is brought to us right away, in His incarnation
– not only after and on account of His death.
The blessings of Christ’s death and resurrection go backwards and
Hark! a voice from yonder manger,
Soft and sweet,
Doth entreat:
“Flee from woe and danger.
Brethren, from all ills that grieve
You are freed;
All you need
I will surely give you.”
Gerhardt, as we well know, didn’t always have a white
Christmas, chestnuts roasting on the open fire, snow, mistletoe, and presents
‘round the tree – so to speak. His
pastoral ministry happened during the Thirty Years’ War, he was put out from
his position several times due to his beliefs, both his wife and son passed
away during his lifetime, and because of disease and war he buried many
parishioners. The real trouble he faced, though, was the curse of sin, life in
the flesh where “nothing good dwells.”
Knowing that the Lord told him, like the leper, “Be of good cheer! Your sins are forgiven” (Matthew 9:2), he
could then go forward in joy, even singing to others -
Come, then, banish all your sadness,
One and all,
Great and small;
Come with songs of gladness.
Love Him who with love is glowing;
Hail the Star
Near and far
Light and joy bestowing.
Ye whose anguish knew no measure,
Weep no more;
See the door
To celestial pleasure.
Cling to Him, for He will guide you
Where no cross,
Pain, or loss
Can again betide you.
Hither come, ye heavy-hearted,
Who for sin,
Deep within,
Long and sore have smarted.
For the poisoned wounds you’re
Help is near,
One is here
Mighty for their healing.
This hymn speaks to Christians dealing with life – all of
them. Life under the cross is
burdensome, and especially so at Christmas.
Gerhardt certainly empathizes with the needy family, the lonely single
Christian, the couple mourning a child, the worker awaiting a job, and the
pastor wondering why the harvesting proves difficult. Is Christmas joy for them, too?
Hither come, ye poor and wretched;
Know His will
Is to fill
Every hand outstretched.
Here are riches without measure;
Here forget
All regret,
Fill your hearts with treasure.
This replenishing of our store of wealth has nothing to do
with our reaching for the gift, how clean our hands are, or how tightly we
grasp it. Christ, through His Holy
Spirit, uncurls our fisted fingers and places the gift of Himself and His
atonement in our hands – the same priceless value and completeness for all.
Let me in my arms receive Thee;
On Thy breast
Let me rest,
Savior, ne’er to leave Thee.
Since Thou hast Thyself presented
Now to me,
I shall be
Evermore contented.
Guilt no longer can distress me;
Son of God,
Thou my load
Bearest to release me.
Stain in me Thou findest never;
I am clean,
All my sin
Is removed forever.
Because clothed in the glistening robe of His righteousness,
the believer can and should say “Yes! Come
into my heart,” but only because the Lord has already let Himself in.
I am pure, in Thee believing,
From Thy store
Righteous robes receiving.
In my heart I will enfold Thee,
Treasure rare,
Let me there,
Loving, ever hold Thee.
Most of all, this gift brings joy because it looks forward
to eternity.
Dearest Lord, Thee I will cherish,
Though my breath
Fail in death,
Yet I shall not perish,
But with Thee abide forever
There on high,
In that joy
Which can vanish never.